Dr. Cole's Herbal Remedies for Toenail Fungus works most of the time. It has a star rating of 4.5 on Amazon so it has been helpful for most. However, now and then we run into serious nail fungus that seems impossible to deal with. The protocol below is something that does not use Dr. Cole's products. It is a very intense program that will work. We suggest using Dr. Cole's products once the fungus has been demolished in this way so as to never allow fungus to ever populate in your toes ever again.
The first key action is to stop feeding the fungus. Avoid high-glycemic carbohydrates and all forms of sugar, as these can promote fungal growth. The second key action is to make your environment hostile to the fungus. Ensure your toenails stay dry and avoid darkness, moisture, and any protective conditions that could support fungal growth. Without these measures, the fungus will continue to thrive, potentially worsening and negatively impacting your health.
The Protocol:
Note: Consistency is key. Follow these steps daily for 8-12 months, as toenails typically take this long to grow out and replace the infected and damaged nails.
Once you’ve had nail fungus, you are more prone to contracting it again. So, once you’ve completed this protocol, and your toenails are now regrown, healthy, and clear of fungus, begin applying Dr. Cole’s Nail Fungus Balm to your toes before bed, and after showering or bathing, as an effective preventative measure. (Always ensure that your feet and toes are fully dry before applying the balm.)