Natural Alternatives To Toxic, Oral Medication

Stress Relief with Coleherbals Natural Remedies

stress relief sleep

"I love the Stress Relief Balm; it’s one of my favorite products for everyone, from toddlers to adults. What convinced me about the Stress Relief Balm was my son, who has ADHD. My son was in the living room while everyone else was already asleep. He was in a sleeping bag, wanting to camp out, but I could hear him tossing and turning, rustling the bag. I had read some reviews on the site that suggested applying it to the bottom of the feet for ADHD, so I did. I applied some to him and went back to bed, listening. I heard him settle down a little, and within fifteen minutes, I went back out to check, and he was sound asleep, resting peacefully. The next morning, he woke up easily, with no grogginess or irritability, which is something you always worry about with your kids, so I was really looking for it. But no, he woke up just fine. At eight years old, he’s old enough to know when something works. About a week later, he came to me at bedtime and said, 'Mom, do you have any more of that herbal stuff? I just can’t get comfortable.' For him to recognize that it helped him settle down, I was sold on the Stress Relief Balm. I’ve been a fan ever since. I love it." Phalon B. ~ West Virginia

Stress Relief Gifts and Products

We offer the Stress Relief in a balm, lotion, and bath salt or in a bundle or gift wrapped for a gift.