Dr. Cole's Protocols For Mother's & Babies
Having had children herself, Dr. Cole understood the needs of new mothers. Her aim was to be able to support mothers and babies from the beginning stages of pregnancy through potty training and beyond. The products below were created to assist mothers to get through some of the most difficult stages of this process with minimal need for oral medications for either the mother or the baby. Here is a list of some of the issues mother's with babies can run into during this time period:
1. Nausea
2. Constipation
3. Pregnancy piles
4. Stretch marks
5. Dry skin
6. Skin rash
7. Diaper rash
8. Mood swings
9. Stress
10. Muscle pain
New motherhood should be a wonderful time. Dr. Cole's intention when creating these products is to make life easier for a mother while dealing with any possible situations encountered during this time and after. We will go over each situation below and what can be done about it:
Nausea - One of the first symptoms that a mother my encounter when she first gets pregnant is what is often referred to as " morning sickness". This is the feeling of nausea when a woman wakes up in the morning or any time during the day, during the first few months of pregnancy. Dr. Cole formulated her Anti-Nausea Formula to assist a mother to deal with this uncomfortable situation.
Constipation - Another situation that can occur is the slowing of bowel movements if a young mother is not able to get enough fluids, exercise or good protein into her diet. Taking oral medication for this problem can often cause and upset stomach so this remedy is much lighter and easier on the new mother and baby. Also, can be used to assist a new baby to relieve it's bowels without disrupting the babies delicate digestive system.
Pregnancy Piles - This is when small hemorrhoids form as a result of straining too much while having bowel movements, sitting too much or just from the different gyrations that some female bodies go through during and after pregnancy.
Products that help relieve Nausea, Constipation & Pregnancy Piles
4. Stretch Marks - As your baby grows the skin around your stomach stretches causing stretch marks. If massaged with a high quality moisturizer, those stretch marks can easily disappear after the baby is born. One of the best products for this is Dr. Cole's Gourmet Body Butter. This product comes with different choices of unscented or scented moisturizers, depending on the mother's preference.
5. Dry Skin - bla bla bla bla
6. Rashes - bla bla bla bla
7. Diaper Rashes - bla bla bla bla
8. Mood Swings - bla bla bla bla
9. Stress - bla bla bla bla
10. Muscle Pain - bla bla bla bla
Anti-Nausea Remedy Reviews:
Constipation Remedy Reviews:
Stretch Marks Remedy Reviews:
Dry Skin Remedy Reviews:
Skin Rash Remedy Remedy Reviews:
Diaper Rash Remedy Reviews:
Mood Swing Remedy Reviews:
Stress Remedy Reviews:
Muscle Pain Remedy Reviews:
How Transdermal Remedies Work
What is Transdermal? Transdermal is a big word that simply describes the process that happens when a substance enters the bloodstream through the skin. “Trans-“ means across or beyond, and “-dermal” means “relating to the skin,” especially the dermis. Put it all together, and you have “beyond the skin.”
The dermis is the middle of three layers of skin that protect our body. It is a thick layer of tissue below the thin outer skin layer—the epidermis. The dermis contains capillaries, nerve endings, sweat glands, hair follicles and more. A lot happens in the dermis!
For many thousands of years, medicine men and women, shamans, and healers of all varieties—including regular people like us—have applied substances onto the skin to achieve therapeutic effects. Those beneficial effects range from being calmed, soothed, and relaxed, to be fully cured of an ailment.
In today’s world, transdermal drug delivery is now an accepted alternative to oral delivery of drugs and to hypodermic injections. But, it wasn’t always that way. The FDA first accepted this approach in 1979, less than 50 years ago. For the first two years, the only approved transdermal drug was scopolamine, used to combat nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness.
Those of you who suffer from motion sickness are probably very familiar with the patches you can affix to your body a half an hour or so before flying or going deep-sea fishing. They’ve saved many wretched moments for people over the years.
Interestingly, scopolamine—also known as Devil’s Breath—is a poisonous organic compound, obtained mainly from plants of the genus Scopolia. Like many drugs, scopolamine began its existence as a plant.
Dr. Cole first began learning about these very old healing herbs when she found herself having to deal with very sick people who could not take in oral medications of any kind because of their delicate digestive systems. She soon discovered after much experience that the use of transdermal applications of these powerful herbs could be just as effective, if not more so, than oral medications because they by-pass the digestive system getting right into the muscles, lymph and then quickly into the circulatory system.
• Anti-Nausea Balm
• Constipation Balm
• Hemorrhoid Balm
• Hemorrhoid Sitz Bath Salt
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• Anti-Nausea Balm
• Constipation Balm
• Hemorrhoid Balm
• Hemorrhoid Sitz Bath Salt
Included in this gift wrapped package are:
• Extraction Balm 2.0-oz
• Skin Repair Balm 2.0-oz
• Skin Repair Cream 3.4-oz
• Fresh Face Organix 3.4-oz
• Gourmet Body Butter 5-oz
Your Price:
& Free Delivery in the USA
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Included in this gift wrapped package are:
• Extraction Balm 2.0-oz
• Skin Repair Balm 2.0-oz
• Skin Repair Cream 3.4-oz
• Fresh Face Organix 3.4-oz
• Gourmet Body Butter 5-oz