Cole Herbals Blog Articles
7 Habits to Having Great Skin
Habit #1-Stay fully hydrated with high-quality, mineralized water.
Most of us are dehydrated and too busy to organize our lives so that we are drinking lots of water. Bodies are much like plants, they need hydration to work well. Dehydration can cause your skin to dry up and wrinkles to appear. Think of your body as a raisin that you would like to turn back into a plum, and start drinking more water daily.
Action Plan: For one day, put a timer on to go off every 30 minutes. Each time it goes off, take 4 to 6 swallows of water. Your body can't absorb much more than that at any one time. This will re-hydrate your body. To stay hydrated you should drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces every day (ex. 130 pound person requires approximately 65 ounces of water daily). Pour the correct amount of water into containers for the day and keep drinking from them periodically, until they are empty. Take note of any changes or improvements after a week.
Habit #2-Get at least 15 minutes of sun on your face and body each day.
Doing this will help to get and keep your vitamin D levels up, and assist your skin in healing itself.
Action Plan: Get outside for a minimum of 15 minutes during lunch time every day. Take a walk or sit in the sun. The more skin exposed to the sun during this time, the healthier it is for you. Look at yourself in the mirror after a week or two and decide if you look and feel healthier or not.
Habit #3-Get some daily exercise.
Physical motion increases circulation. Circulation gets rid of accumulated toxins and improves the health and tone of your skin. Our bodies were meant to move and they do not do well when sedentary. It has been said that "sitting is the new smoking". This observation has been tested and found to be true!
Action Plan: Choose a few forms of exercise that you enjoy and participate in one of them every day for one calendar month. Note how you feel at the beginning of the month and at the end of the month. Note the difference in your skin tone.
Habit #4-Eat the foods that your ancestors were eating 500 years ago.
This would include bone broths, vegetables, fruits and fats. Yes! Fat is good for you! Omit food products that contain gluten, processed sugars and chemicals. Eat pastured or grass fed meats, and free range poultry, and cold water fish. Eat fermented foods like sauerkraut, pickles and kimchi. Eat organic fruit instead of candy and pastry. Don't eat anything that contains an ingredient that you can't understand. Better yet, stay away from processed foods altogether.
Action Plan: List out your ailments and skin issues at the beginning of the month. Eat good, organic food and omit pre-made processed foods for the rest of the month. Take note at the end of the month as to how you feel. If you have been dealing with skin eruptions, have they diminished or disappeared?
Habit #5 - Don't feed allergies.
The body will often try to get rid of toxic substances through the skin. Pimples, discoloration and swelling can be caused by allergies and toxins. Foods that can cause allergies are: processed grains of any kind, dairy products, eggs, night shade vegetables, nuts & seeds, beans or legumes, processed sugars, trans fats and hydrogenated fats, and any man-made chemicals found in processed foods. Allergies tax your immune system and inhibit its ability to heal your body.
Action Plan: If allergies are suspected, try an "Elimination/Provocation Program": gradiently eliminating one of the food categories mentioned above from your diet over a 2-4 week period. Note how you feel before and after this is done. Then add that food category back into your diet, and note how you feel after 2-3 days. Do this with each food category. Keep the foods that give long-lasting energy, unlike sugar that gives a burst of energy followed by an energy slump, and eliminate the foods that cause tiredness or nausea and cause allergic reactions. Seek professional allergy testing if the above action isn’t successful. Handling allergic reactions is a vital key to beautiful, vibrant skin.
Habit #6 - Get enough sleep.
This is probably one of the most important habits of all to maintain for beautiful skin and good health. A body needs to recharge its physical batteries daily. During the process of sleeping, the systems in the body slow down and recuperate from the activity and stress that occurs during waking hours. It is best to sleep in a safe, dark place, away from any electronics, with plenty of fresh air circulating. Surround yourself with clean, non-allergenic, organic materials (like cotton or wool) that breath, so that the body can rid itself of toxins during its time of rest. Purchasing a comfortable mattress, pillows, and high quality sheets & covers are extremely viable investments since a person spends 1/3rd of their life sleeping, while detoxing and rejuvenating at the same time.
Action Plan: If a person feels that they need a strong cup of coffee every morning to really wake up, they might not be getting enough sleep. For one week, try sleeping an extra hour a day, or take a nap mid-day and note how you feel at the end of the week. For sleeping problems, rub a drop of lavender essential oil on the bottom of your feet before bed, and/or drink a glass of calcium/magnesium. Note: Both lavender essential oil and calcium/magnesium mixtures can be found online or at most health food or vitamin stores.
Habit #7 - Apply an effective moisturizer daily.
A must if you ever expect to save your skin from the elements encountered in daily life. As you grow older, your skin has less of an ability to heal itself. It dries out faster, begins to wrinkle and droop. However, with a little help from a quality, natural moisturizer, the process of aging can be slowed down considerably.
Action Plan: Take an assessment of your facial skin. Note where it gets dry and where the wrinkles are. Try washing your face with warm water and then applying Fresh Face Organix Rejuvenating Moisturizer to it once in the morning and once at night. Note the difference it makes after one week, and then again after one month.
Note: One should confer with one's medical practitioner before implementing some of the steps mentioned above to ensure that there are no contraindications or conflicts with any health conditions or medical protocol.