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Dr. Janell Cole studied Nutritional Science at Brigham Young University, graduated from the University of Berkeley with a degree in Herbology, was a licensed Colon Therapist, and a Clinical Lymphatic Massage Therapist. She received her Doctor of Naturopathy degree from The Herbal Healer Academy of Arkansas. Dr. Cole has been practiced as a Naturopath for over 20 years. She founded MOBU Herbals in 2006 in order to make her vast catalog of therapeutic, herbal formulations available to the general public. Dr. Cole was on a mission for most of her life to educate and assist people to heal themselves without the use of harmful chemicals or drugs. After specializing in digestive issues for many years she earned a world-wide reputation for creating effective, yet gentle, elimination remedies utilizing organic and wildcrafted ingredients. Her products speak for themselves. All of Dr. Cole's Herbal Remedies have a 100% money back guarantee with hundreds of 5 star reviews both on our website and on Amazon.com
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Wildcrafting (also known as foraging) is the practice of harvesting plants from their natural, or 'wild' habitat, primarily for food or medicinal purposes. It applies to uncultivated plants wherever they may be found, and is not necessarily limited to wilderness areas.
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In 2017, Dr. Cole formed a partnership with Linda Langenbacher so that she could start selling her products on Amazon. In order to keep the Mobu Herbals business in tact, they rebranded Dr. Cole's Mobu Herbals products to be sold under the "Dr. Cole's Herbal Remedies" brand. Shortly after Dr. Cole passed away in 2019, the Mobu Herbals brand was resolved and is now being fully re-created under the Dr. Cole's Herbal Remedies brand, owned by Linda Langenbacher's new legal entity, coleherbals LLC.
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Herbal remedy balms are usually used on the parts of the body below the neck because they are stronger and more intense. Most people don't like to put balms on their neck and face because they tend to be a bit greasier. We make creams with similar ingredients as the balms. Creams are less intense and sink into the skin more quickly than the balms. People like to use our herbal remedy creams for more sensitive areas of the skin, like on the hands, neck and face. Salts are used in combination with the balms. They cause a more intense healing. They are blended into a warm water soaking tub or bathtub for the purpose of opening up the pores of the skin and letting the healing ingredients in. When balms or creams are applied to the skin after a bath, the remedies are usually even more effective.
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