Organic Herbal Balm Created to Ease Muscle Soreness and Muscle Spasms. Helps Relieve Painful Joints and the Back, and Ease Pain Caused by Chronic Inflammation. Safe for all ages.Created by a Naturopathic doctor who spent 20 years successfully treating patients suffering from sore muscles resulting from tough workouts, muscle spasms, and painful muscles caused by everyday activity. After years of experience, Dr. Cole found that employing a natural, Ayurvedic approach to healing sore muscles was more effective than using chemical medications or other pharmaceutical products that are toxic to the human body.
100% Organic and Wildcrafted Ingredients: Olive Oil, White Willow, Fever Few, Green Tea, Yerba Mate, Calendula, Arnica, Kava, Passion Flower, Valerian, Hops, Lemon Balm, Lavender Flowers, Hemp Oil, Beeswax, Vitamin E, Menthol Crystals, Camphor, and a blend of Essential Oils.
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Organic Herbal Balm Created to Ease Muscle Soreness and Muscle Spasms. Helps Relieve Painful Joints and the Back, and Ease Pain Caused by Chronic Inflammation. Safe for all ages.Created by a Naturopathic doctor who spent 20 years successfully treating patients suffering from sore muscles resulting from tough workouts, muscle spasms, and painful muscles caused by everyday activity. After years of experience, Dr. Cole found that employing a natural, Ayurvedic approach to healing sore muscles was more effective than using chemical medications or other pharmaceutical products that are toxic to the human body.
100% Organic and Wildcrafted Ingredients: Olive Oil, White Willow, Fever Few, Green Tea, Yerba Mate, Calendula, Arnica, Kava, Passion Flower, Valerian, Hops, Lemon Balm, Lavender Flowers, Hemp Oil, Beeswax, Vitamin E, Menthol Crystals, Camphor, and a blend of Essential Oils.
Directions: Massage deeply into sore or painful muscles. Avoid contact with eyes. It may cause drowsiness. For external use only.
• THE PROBLEM – Some muscle-soreness balms are made when a compounding pharmacy changes oral medications into those that are topically applied. Still, others can cause severe burning, stinging, or irritation.
• THE SOLUTION – When you’re seeking sore muscle relief, why take a chance on unproven or fad creams or oils? Dr. Cole’s Muscle Ease Herbal Balm is formulated with organic, wildcrafted ingredients and a blend of essential oils from nature–a safe and effective treatment for relieving sore muscles.
• THE DIFFERENCE – Dr. Cole’s Muscle Ease treatment was created by a Naturopathic doctor following 20 years of successfully working with patients suffering muscle soreness caused by strenuous workouts and muscle spasms, and painful muscles stemming from everyday activity. After years of experience, Dr. Cole discovered that employing a natural, Ayurvedic approach to healing sore muscles was more effective than using chemical medications or other pharmaceutical products that are toxic to the human body.
• WHY IT IS BETTER – Unlike most muscle-pain relief products currently on the market, all of Dr. Cole's products are formulated with organic, wildcrafted ingredients and essential oils from nature that are not harmful to the body, yet are very effective for treating patients suffering from sore muscles resulting from tough workouts, muscle spasms, and painful muscles caused by everyday activity.
FEATURES: Comes in a metal, twist-off jar – Easy to open, use and store.
Organic and wildcrafted muscle pain ease ingredients – treating patients suffering from sore muscles resulting from tough workouts, muscle spasms, and painful muscles caused by everyday activity naturally.
Instruction brochure – Explains how to use the Muscle Ease Herbal Balm properly, and how Dr. Cole’s muscle pain relief-related products all work together.
100% Organic and Wildcrafted treating patients suffering from sore muscles resulting from tough workouts, muscle spasms, and painful muscles caused by everyday activity.
Compact container, easy to use and carry in purses or pockets.
100% MANUFACTURER’S GUARANTEE - if you are not happy with this product for any reason, there is a 30-day money back guarantee and a 1-year replacement warranty on every Dr. Cole’s product sold.