Created by a Naturopathic doctor who spent 20 years successfully treating patients suffering from stress and anxiety. In perfecting a treatment regimen, Dr. Cole found that employing a natural, approach to ease stress and anxiety, and balance negative emotions was more effective than using chemical medications or other pharmaceutical products that are toxic to the human body.
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Created by a Naturopathic doctor who spent 20 years successfully treating patients suffering from stress and anxiety. In perfecting a treatment regimen, Dr. Cole found that employing a natural, approach to ease stress and anxiety, and balance negative emotions was more effective than using chemical medications or other pharmaceutical products that are toxic to the human body.
Directions: Bathtub Instructions: Fill the tub with warm water and add ½ cup or 8 tablespoons of these salts. Mix well. Use half as much for children 16 and under.
Foot Soak Instructions: Mix ¼ cup of salt into a soaking container. Soak no more than 20 minutes at a time. Discontinue if you experience irritation. Caution: Do not get into eyes. Supervise children at all times while using bath or foo tub. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. Discontinue if skin irritation occurs.