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#1 - Hemorrhoid Constipation Relief

#1 - Hemorrhoid Constipation Relief

Contained in this package:

• Dr. Cole's Hemorrhoid Balm

• Dr. Cole's Constipation Balm

• Protocols for both

Dr. Cole's Hemorrhoid Balm: Olive Oil, Beeswax, Horse Chestnut, Calendula, Witch Hazel, Arnica, Butcher's Broom, Feverfew, Chickweed, Marshmallow Root, Mullein, Uva Ursi, Yarrow, White Willow & Vitamin E.

Dr. Cole’s Constipation Remedy:  Olive Oil, Beeswax, Cascara Sagrada, Senna, Pau d'Arco, Fennel, Rhubard Root, Chickweed, Yellowdock, Red Clover, & Vitamin E. 


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Regular price $49.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $49.00 USD
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